JS Debugger Sample
  • Right-click on breakpoint symbol for the line to set the conditional expression. Try it by setting breakpoint on line 19 and set conditional expression of color == 'green'
  • For Logpoint/Tracepoint, use console.log as the conditional expression on a breakpoint. console.log always returns falsey, so breakpoint is never triggered, but console.log is always executed. Try it by setting breakpoint on line 19 and set conditional expression of console.log('currentNum ' + currentNum + ' color ' + color)
  • For IE8 and call stack if you want function name to be listed you'll want to use named function expressions (see updateUi function) or function declarations (see decrease function).
  • Mouse over variable works in IE9+, Chrome and Firefox
  • Mouse over expression works in IE9+ and Chrome
  • Open JS files quicker in IE11, Chrome and Firefox using Ctrl+O
  • debugger; statement only drops into debugger when statement is executed.